Bolt Cutter Lithium Project
Pilbara WA
Project overview
The Company has a dominant 444km2 land position of 100% owned granted tenements (E45/5623, E45/5612, E45/6201, E45/6202, E45/6204 and E45/6453); its 100% owned applications to 394km2, and tenement applications subject to a ballot to 375km2. These tenements are in the Mallina Province, Pilbara, WA and are prospective for lithium and gold. The Bolt Cutter tenements surround the Company’s Tabba Tabba lithium-tantalum project.
The Company’s tenements are located proximal to Split Rock Supersuite granitoid complexes and district scale structures along trend from the giant Pilgangoora and Wodgina lithium deposits, making them highly prospective for lithium-caesium-tantalum (LCT) type pegmatites.
With the addition of Tabba Tabba, the Company now has a pipeline of early and advanced greenfields through to advanced brownfields exploration and development targets at Bolt Cutter.
Lithium deposits such as Pilgangoora and Wodgina typically occur within 10km of Split Rock Supersuite Granites and form in highly fractionated LCT pegmatites, thought to be sourced from the granites. The LCT pegmatites postdate the major deformation in the district and appear to exploit structural weaknesses in the crust. Wildcat’s tenements are proximal to Sisters Suite Granites and contain structures and lithium anomalies with potential to be associated with LCT pegmatites.
Gold occurrences in the region are commonly sediment- or intrusion hosted and associated with anticlinal axes, particularly where they intersect major fault or shear structures. The highly prospective Berghaus Shear trends in a north-easterly direction and looks to have provided fluids for the formation of the Hemi Deposit. In addition to the Berghaus Shear, anticlinal axes trend in a parallel orientation with multiple splays off the Berghaus Shear intersecting the anticlinal axis providing areas of interest. Similar settings may be replicated in the Wildcat tenement package.
The Berghaus shear zone is comprised of a suite of parallel shears and contains the Mt Berghaus deposit and the smaller Cookes Hill gold deposit held by De Grey Mining. There has been minimal previous exploration within Wildcat’s tenure along what has been demonstrated as a fertile structure.
Transported cover occurs over much of the Bolt Cutter tenure and hindered earlier explorers, with conventional surface sampling techniques not suitable for exploration. Wildcat plans to utilise geophysical interpretation to test defined prospective zones with targeted aircore drilling.